Wheelpower & Go!

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Wheelpower & Go! / Dejo & Bon

Song Information

Genre: Eurobeat
Artist: Dejo & Bon
Vocalist(s): Fernando Bonini, Maurizio De Jorio
Writer(s): Andrea Leonardi, Giordano Foglia
Producer(s): Andrea Leonardi
Label(s): Sinclairestyle



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Wheelpower on the fast lane,
Wheelpower's by my side tonight
The dark is all around me
But I don't feel alone

I feel better when I'm pushing,
I see better in the moonbeam
Other pilots are behind me,
I won't let'em pass!

Wheelpower and go!
Squeal tires come on!
Don't wanna loose this racing
We make it for love, we want it all
Never stop and never surrender!

High decibels in my ears,
My engine's screaing very loud
The stars as my spectators enjoy the race tonight