I Know (Oceania)

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I Know / Oceania

Song Information

Genre: Eurobeat
Artist: Oceania
Vocalist(s): Evelin Malferrari
Writer(s): Giancarlo Pasquini, Evelin Malferrari
Producer(s): Dave, Futura
Label(s): Sun Fire Records




I know i know
My love is fire
My dog is funny
Make me so happy
Make my sunday

Now, it's another day
He make me feel so high
With his eyes into my eyes
Full of love
Can't live without you

Come in to my arms
Make me happy
With your little bay to me
Oh oh
Love into my heart
You are so magic
I will never leave you my boy

I know, what i
Like it like you
Our love is foolish
But it's so magic
It's so crazy