Dream Away (Norma Sheffield)

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Dream Away / Norma Sheffield

Song Information

Genre: Eurobeat
Artist: Norma Sheffield
Vocalist(s): Chiara De Pieri
Writer(s): Giancarlo Pasquini, Luigi Raimondi, Francesca Contini
Producer(s): Giancarlo Pasquini
Label(s): A-Beat C



Maniac Videos


I miss the colour of your cleaver eyes
And I'm feelin' blue
'Cause I've been waiting so long, boy
For a night I wanna run away
So, baby swing the car
And we'll be happy forever

Just you and I ...feelin; over the moon
Look around the sunshine
time has come to get together
In my heart....

Wanna dream away far away
Even for a night I'll love you over again
Just... dream away run away
Come on baby don't be lazy to get my lovin'

I wanna play with you and get more fun
All around the town
Oh baby show me your feelin'
Carry on with you is what a dream
But if you long to try
I know we'll fancy together