Big Trouble

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Big Trouble / Groove Twins

Song Information

Genre: Eurobeat
Artist: Groove Twins
Vocalist(s): Alessandra Mirka Gatti, Chiara De Pieri
Writer(s): Andrea Leonardi, Giancarlo Pasquini
Producer(s): Giancarlo Pasquini, Sandro Oliva, Andrea Leonardi
Label(s): A-Beat C




I was born in a little town
As the only sister, not so pretty !!!

I grew up without all those things
That a women needs to make her fashion

And everyday I'm still praying that
Behind any wall of neighbour
Someone call me and drag me away
With his long black car

BIG TROUBLE waiting for the time when my
Life it changes on
BIG TROUBLE gotta have a time better
Than this time for sure

I was born in the street alone
And without my brothers they were working

In the street you've got just yourself
Anybody else is there to help you